May 30, 2019

Ready to Roll

Even though we knew we would be making a test run this summer, we ended up feeling a bit rushed in preparation. Harold was checking things out mechanically. Getting the autogen start to work and the tire pressure monitoring system installed were two important items on his checklist. Autogen start is a function where the generator will automatically start when batteries reach a predetermined low level.

Meanwhile, I was emptying the house of anything I thought I might need on a full-time basis. Winter clothes, extra set of sheets, cleaning supplies, small kitchen appliances, all had to be loaded. It was a bit aggravating to know that I’d be unpacking most of it when we returned. However, we wanted to get a realistic coach weight, and we wanted to figure out just where things would be stowed. Already we're making a list of things we forgot or things we might not need.

As I selected shoes, I was reminded of the lady who told me that her husband limited her to 10 pairs of shoes. She sat in the middle of the bedroom floor, surrounded by her shoes, and cried. Well, I didn’t cry, but I think I have 11 pairs of shoes. 

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