Jul 30, 2019

Bridgewater Antique Car and Tractor Parade

Growing up one of the memorable events of the summer was the Bridgewater Lawn Party. Just about every fire department and Ruritan club in the area had a lawn party fundraiser. You could just about hit a lawn party every weekend. The Bridgewater one though, that was the big one. Next to the Rockingham County Fair, the Bridgewater Lawn Party was one of the local summer highlights.

Over the years, we still attend from time to time. The lawn party looks a little different through adult eyes, but the country ham sandwiches, chicken barbecue, and ice cream are as delectable as ever. The steam tractors still sound their whistles and black coal smoke fills the air.

This year we attended the antique car and tractor parade. Harold rode with my dad through the parade in the Lil' Red Express. Tossing out candy, left and right, I'm not sure who had more fun.

At the end of the parade route, they parked and joined us watching the tractors. I didn't count this year, but the last couple of times I attempted to count, it was around 200 tractors. So many tractors once prompted my sister to wonder if they weren't circling around and coming through again!

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