Sep 16, 2019

Giant Rat

Or, is Mr. Mousebender in the house?

Calm down, we did not find an oversized rodent in The Beast, but we do have a giant rat in our midst: Harold.

Back in May we were staying at Letchworth State Park Campground in New York to visit family in Perry, New York. One evening a bunch of us went to dinner at the Charcoal Corral, a casual dining experience. We had a great time meeting members of the extended family and sharing stories. My cousin-in-law Bert told us about a unique item at a nearby creamery, so of course we had to check it out.

On the way home we passed the East Hill Creamery and being a turophile (a lover of cheese), I quickly scanned the storefront. Regrettably, it was closed. My heart sank down into my shoes.  No cheese for Harold. However, during my scan I noted the something that Bert told us about on the side of building.  It was large, boxy and red in color.  My first impression was that it was a Coke machine. I took a second look as its color was not Coca-Cola’s iconic red color but some other red. It turned out to be, as Bert described, a unique must-see roadside attraction. I spotted an image of two cartoon mice cutting a wheel of cheese, glorious cheese, on the side of this attraction. In my best impression of one of the Duke boys, and much to Elizabeth’s chagrin, I powerslid into the parking lot, at least that is the way I remember it, as I was driving a front wheel drive Honda Accord.

What is this?  Could it be?  WOOO HOOO it is! A cheese vending machine!  I was elated!!!! This is the first time I have seen a cheese vending machine.  There needs to be one of these on every street corner. It was like April seventeenth[1], June fourth[2], Independence Day, July twenty fifth[3], September fifth[4], September eighteenth[5], September twentieth[6], my birthday, October fifteenth[7] , Thanksgiving and Christmas all rolled into one!  Think fireworks, presents and lots of good family times!!!!!  It was a PARTY!

Now, what to buy, what to buy, what to buy?  I was so excited, but in a quandary. I had to limit myself to purchase only one cheese, so after what probably seemed like hours to Elizabeth I zeroed in on the Underpass Reserve. This is a Raclette style cheese that is lovingly aged for eleven months.  It would be firmer, saltier, and have a bolder and earthier flavor than their three-month aged Raclette style cheese. Yum, yum give me some!  Boo hoo, why can’t I buy two?

Raclette cheese is normally featured in a Swiss dish, coincidently called Raclette, which is based on heating the cheese in a Raclette grill and scraping off the melted part onto a plate or slice of bread and served with charcuterie. I ate the whole thing before I could melt any part of it and enjoyed every bite. So, the next time we are anywhere near Perry, New York, we will be heading to the East Hill Creamery and will hopefully be able to visit during working hours to interact with the staff and buy more of their tasty cheese.

I recently shared the photo with my friend Keith and he said it is “A monument to a truly advanced culture!”  So true!

[1] National Cheese Ball Day
[2] National Cheese Day
[3] National Wine And Cheese Day
[4] National Cheese Pizza Day
[5] National Cheeseburger Day
[6] National Queso Day
[7] National Cheese Curd Day

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