Mar 14, 2020

The Generosity of Friends

Last weekend, Laurie, my Bunco group organizer, hosted a farewell dinner party for us. We were completely blown away by her family's generosity and the generosity of the group's members, old and new.

It's no secret that Laurie doesn't cook. In fact, that was one of the first things she said that night. "You didn't really think I was going to cook, did you?" Well no, but I certainly didn't expect a catered meal either. I guess I hadn't really thought about it, but just kind of assumed that she'd pick something up at Costco or that some of the other members were contributing to the meal portion. Anyway, looking at the silver buffet trays, tablecloths, etc. I suddenly felt very humbled, not to mention underdressed.

We had a great evening of visiting with friends, old and new, talking RVs, hearing stories of kids now grown and new grandchildren. It was nice not to have to worry about clean up too.

Then, earlier today, when I got a haircut, I asked Michelle to tell me how to talk to a stylist about cutting my hair. Chances are good that I will be getting my hair cut at at different place each time for the foreseeable future. She sent me a note so that I'll be able to explain in stylist lingo what I want done.

Given the craziness of this week with Coronavirus, the stock market volatility, and prepping our house for sale, it's good to have friends.

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