Feb 5, 2022

Virginia - Family, Friends and a Theme Song

I hadn't seen my sister Karen and my brother, Scott, since we started full-timing in April of 2020. I hadn't seen my dad and his wife since the summer of 2020 when they were visiting my sister Kathy in Colorado. So, I was really thankful to be in Virginia for Thanksgiving this year. 

We got together as a family on the day after Thanksgiving. A family member had restored a millhouse. We loved the rustic charm and the rushing water of the waterfall. Regrettably, I failed to get pictures of the facility itself.


Then, as a bonus, Bernie, a former government customer of Harold's and a friend, was visiting Virginia Tech with his son and wife. They stopped by our campsite at Natural Bridge KOA on their way back to King George.  


And thanks to Bernie, we now have a theme song. Ok, all you Green Acres fans:

Squid Acres is the place to be.

High living is the way for me.

Roads spreading so far and wide,

I liked King George, but give me that countryside!

Finally, but not least, I was able to join three of my friends from first grade for dinner. One is now my sister since her mom married my dad several years ago. We try to get together once a year. Thankfully, this year we could meet in person instead of via Zoom.

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