May 14, 2022

Dayton Aviation Trail

I wanted the teddy bear. The Aviation Trail around Dayton, OH, offers a "Wilbear Wright" aviator teddy bear if you visit eight of the seventeen sites in the area. Never mind that I live in an RV and have no need whatsoever for a stuffed animal that takes up precious space. I wanted that bear. He was too adorable. Plus, we had a month at Wright-Patterson AFB Famcamp. We had plenty of time to visit the various sites.

One of the must-see sites is the National Museum of the Air Force. We took two days to visit the four hangars and the National Aviation Hall of Fame. Harold may elaborate more in a separate post since my version would be simple - we saw lots and lots of planes and a kite. 

The kite at the Air Force Museum

We stopped at Huffman Prairie Flying Field and the Wright Brothers Memorial, which only counted as one stop toward the bear. 

Watch out for the cows!

We spent the better portion of a day at the Carillon Historical Park. We'll probably do a separate entry for that. Despite the original 1905 Wright Flyer III being onsite, I found myself in awe of the cash register display. Wait 'til we show you the photos!

One rainy day we drove north to the Waco Air Museum. They offer biplane rides. Oh, and that's Waco, rhymes with taco, not Jayco.

Want to ride?

With Harold's Dad's history with Apollo, we couldn't miss the Armstrong Air and Space Museum

Armstrong's Apollo suit

We finished our aviation tour at the Aviation Trail Visitor Center and the Paul Laurence Dunbar House in the historic downtown Dayton area. I confess I was fascinated by all the wallpapers in the Dunbar House. The visitor center complex included the Wright Cycle Company and the Parachute Museum. At the Parachute Museum we learned of the Caterpillar Club. We pray we never have the opportunity to join!

Dunbar's "office" while recuperating

Such an ornate wheel stand

Good enough for me

The earned bears

We're not entirely sure what we'll do with our bears. We have a couple of ideas though!

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