Jun 4, 2022


We're always on the lookout for something different. So, when we saw the opportunity to tour the American Whistle Corporation in Columbus, we signed up. The tour is right around an hour in length. The guide runs a couple of the presses for you. Other machines you watch from a tv screen. Everything from start to finish is done in one room. The newest press is from the 1970's and the oldest from 1905. You end the tour with your own free whistle! If you want, you can select your own colors and make your own whistle for a small fee. How cool is that?  

Steps in the process

Adding the lanyard

The Stamper

Blister packaging

Dedicated Whistle Store

We decided that Columbus Washboard Company was a bit further than we wanted to travel. However, their tour is on our radar for another time. Who knew that they still made washboards here in the USA?

Where Are We Going Next? 


  1. This looks like a cool place to visit.

    1. Though the facility was smaller than we expected, it was interesting to see a rather unique product being made.
