Jun 24, 2023

55+ Crowd

We met up with Chris and Becki at Superstition Sunrise, a 55+ community in Apache Junction, just east of Phoenix. It was our first experience of a 55+ community. Most lots are permanent residents or seasonal snowbirds. The lots are close and most have park models with built on porches. We did note a fair amount of transient traffic from our location though.

Just a bit tight - and normal

Since we don't have a comparison, we don't really know if this community is typical as far as activities go, but they weren't kidding when they said they were an active community. On my way back from a 7:00 a.m. video exercise class, I passed a zumba class getting ready to start, with yoga class to follow. The water exercise class was getting ready for a second session. The shuffleboard tournament was underway. The hiking group was meeting in the parking lot. The guys playing billiards had been there since the 6:00 a.m. opening.

There's plenty to do for sure. The afternoons and evenings were filled with cookouts, bands, dances, bingo, poker, more exercise classes, block parties, and so forth. Different hobbies had permanent setups, such as a woodworking shop and a lapidary shop. The computer club had its own room. A lot of the activities are led by residents staying there, and we understand a lot of them end in April as snowbirds move on. 

Lapidary saw

Chris and Becki treated us to an evening at Medieval Times (Chris' penultimate) with two more of Harold's Alta High School classmates, Ashaell and Cyndy. It was a fun evening and certainly fit with Chris and Becki's interest in renaissance faires. 

Alta High School mini reunion

Let the games begin

We didn't really tour the area as we only had a few days there. We could certainly see it's popularity for snowbirds though. Bonus for us: Ashaell lives in the area and allowed us to pick some lemons from her backyard tree. 

Oh boy, fresh lemons!

Where Are We Going Next?


  1. We soooo loved spending sunshine days with you ❤️ Becki & Christian
