Jul 22, 2023

Petrified Forest National Park

After leaving Williams, AZ, we stopped at Holbrook, AZ.  Our goal was Petrified Forest National Park. I remember stopping there on a family trip, but don't remember much other than the weather being hot. Well, that was definitely not the case this time. The wind was blowing over 20 mph and the temperature was barely in the 40's. Brr...We took an abbreviated walk at the visitor center at the southern entrance and gave up the idea of further walks. We contented ourselves with driving the park road and snapping quick photos at overlooks. 

The colors of the petrified wood are beautiful and varied. Some of the logs are massive. You'd see concentrations throughout the drive. The painted desert landscape strongly reminded us of Badlands National Park. In some ways the colors seemed more vibrant  here. However, the Badlands had more depth and height and just bigger scope in general. 

If you're ever on I40 in Arizona, take the time to detour through the park. It's worth the little extra time. 

Where Are We Going Next?

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