Nov 18, 2023

Capitol Tiles

Still looking for air-conditioned things to do over the hot Labor Day weekend, we opted to take the self-guided tour of the capitol building in Pierre  (pronounced peer). Pierre, by the way, is the second smallest state capital city. Only Montpelier, VT, is smaller. 

Since it was Labor Day, the building was mostly deserted. That turned out to be good thing since I spent most of my time looking down at the tile floor and not necessarily where I was going. The floor was built by 55 Italian tilesetters. Each one was given a single blue tile to place as his signature. Plus, when repairs were made, they'd place a heart-shaped tile. So I spent much of my tour searching for blue or heart-shaped tiles. Oh there's a grand marble staircase and a gorgeous rotunda, but I focused on the floor. : )


Heart-shaped tile

You need eagle eyes like Harold

Rotunda ceiling

Blue signature tile

There it is!

Capitol front

Ice cream time!

Where Are We Going Next?

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