Dec 23, 2023

Covid Bummer

Well, it finally caught up to us. I was beginning to think we were going to be among the rare exceptions that never caught covid. Sadly, that turned out to be false thinking. 


We were leaving the Newmar Kountry Klub rally, and I felt a bit off. I thought maybe I had a head cold or allergies kicking in. Harold drove the whole day. When we got to our next campground, I took some benadryl and tried to sleep. I was sneezing a bit, and my sinuses were starting to get congested.

I was still feeling tired and congested the next day, which was another travel day. We don't normally do two back-to-back travel days. We were trying to get to Enid, OK, for the American Kitefliers Association's National Convention. When we got to the campground, I decided to take a covid test. We had been to two rallies over the past couple of weeks. Plus, last year, covid had broken out at the AKA convention. I wanted to be able to tell anyone who heard me sneeze or cough that I tested negative for covid. Well, the surprise was on me! I did have covid! 

Harold immediately took a test. He tested negative. However, there's only so much space in an RV. So we fully expected him to catch it. Surprise! He never caught it. We had been vaccinated and boosted. I was using liberal amounts of Lysol disinfectant spray, wiping down things with disinfectant wipes a couple of times a day, and laundering pillowcases and towels in Clorox on a daily basis. 

Since he was continuing to test negative, he felt comfortable in participating in outdoor events on the kite field. He won first place in rokkaku kite building with a very special kite. Thanks Rick Agar for the photo!

Though we were incredibly disappointed in the timing, we were both thankful that I only had mild symptoms. Time to count our blessings. I got some reading done, and Harold completed some maintenance projects. I got in some time in our new trip planning software. Still it was a relief when I tested negative 48 hours apart. Yeah! 

Huh, an active oil well near our campsite

Replacing some closet trim

What to watch next?

Isolation exercise

Harold entered the rokkaku kitebuilding with our wedding kite

Where Are We Going Next?

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