Feb 3, 2024

Strawberry Pinnacles

Mountain Valley RV Resort thoughtfully provided a list of scenic drives from the Heber Valley Visitor Center. We were determined to take some of those routes before any more snow fell and the roads closed. We had already missed the Alpine Loop and Timpanogos Cave, and part of Guardsman Pass. Wolf Creek Highway was still open but could close. So one Monday morning we decided to take Wolf Creek from Francis to Route 208 and circle back to Heber via US Route 40 that winds through Daniels Canyon. 

It was indeed a beautiful drive. However, the best part of the day was taking a side drive to Strawberry Pinnacles, a drive that we took on a lark. We saw the brown sign shortly after turning onto US-40 near Fruitland. We pulled up a couple of images of the pinnacles before we lost cell signal. Yeah, that might be worth taking a look. 

The road was potholed, and we could see where it had been washed out. It had taken some effort to clear the dirt and gravel. About the time we were wondering if we should go ahead and turn around, we entered a canyon area. We decided to drive on. Sure glad we did. The Strawberry Pinnacles area was the best spot of the day!

UT-35 near Tabiona

US-40 near Fruitland

We're liking this


Canyon view


Where Are We Going Next?

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