Mar 16, 2024

Red Rock Canyon

Red Rock Canyon National Conservation Area is just a few miles outside of Las Vegas. It's managed by Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and has one of the nicer visitor centers on BLM land that we've seen. We took the 13 mile scenic drive to kill time while our coach was in the shop. The area is quite popular and you need a timed entry for the scenic drive. Parking at some of the pullouts was a bit tight, even with the timed entry. 

We enjoyed a little rock scrambling and a short hike along the way. We really enjoyed the burros grazing near the visitor center. In contrast to the burros in Custer State Park, these burros are not to be fed!

Wild burros

Calico Hills 

Petrified sand dunes

High Point Overlook

Seasonal waterfall

 Where Are We Going Next?

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