Jul 27, 2024

Cranberries, Kites, and Carriages

May 1 - 6, 2024 

From our Camp Rilea base we a took in a couple of small museums in the Long Beach, WA, area in addition to the Columbia River Maritime Museum in Astoria, OR. 

After seeing cranberry bogs from Coos Bay and north, along with Ocean Spray signs here and there, we stopped by the Cranberry Museum in Long Beach. They have a couple of bogs on site. Not much was happening in April, but it would be a cool site in the fall.Ok, we really wanted to try the cranberry ice cream they make there. 

The World Kite Museum featured a lot of Oriental style kites and a military kite exhibit. Harold was really impressed with the Saul Barrage Kite. 

On our way to our next campsite, we stopped for a driving break at the Northwest Carriage Museum

Looking out the window

Elk on parade

Cranberry scoop

Modified boots cause less berry damage

Maybe for some families

Gibson girl rescue kite, Garber target kite, Saul Barrage kite

C-spring Dress Landau

Hansom Cab

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