Mar 8, 2025

Brr...It's Cold

Jan. 18 - 30, 2025

We spent a weekend in Nashville, catching up with Bill and Bitsy, who live nearby, and Neal and Ginger.  Neal and Ginger are New Aire buddies we met at Panther Creek State Park a couple of years ago. They have a '22 New Aire. 

Neal was leading the seminars at the Nashville RV Show. So naturally we attended the show one day and took in a seminar. It was rather cold that day. We were thankful much of the show was indoors. 

We left Nashville with intentions to overnight near Bristol and then continue to Harrisonburg. Well, the freezing weather and several inches of snow changed that. We moved from Bristol to Wytheville and stayed four nights at the KOA, waiting out the single digit temperatures in forlorn hopes that the snow would have an opportunity to melt. 

Our water hose showed its age while we were in Wytheville. The single digit temperatures probably didn't help either. Time to order a replacement. We do have the heated hose. We just hadn't dragged it out since the original intention was an overnight only. That's the second water-related hose to wear out on us within a month. We'll have more on that first repair in a future article. 

That weather delay turned into an unexpected blessing. Mark and Amy, neighbors of my dad, offered the use of their FHU RV pad. Yeah! Mark and Amy had donated their fifth wheel to the western NC flood relief effort, and their pad was currently empty. They're a generous couple to say the least. We did leave the area a day or two earlier than we originally planned. The forecast was calling for rain. We didn't want to repay their kindness by leaving deep ruts in their yard!

Neal's seminar

New Aire buddies

Frost on the inside

Single digits outside...still pretty warm inside

Time for a new water hose

Time to dump and rinse tanks

Frozen slideout topper cover

Hmm...warm tires spinning and plastic blocks


 Where Are We Going Next?  

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