Nov 23, 2019

Canyon Trail Hike

While we had been to Waimea Canyon on previous trips, this was our first hike. We went with my cousin Steve, his wife, Junelle, and his former boss and his spouse. Harold ended up not going because of a sore foot. I don't think he minded the extra nap and quiet time.

We were told that the Canyon Trail to Waipo'o Falls was an easy hike, family friendly. When we got back I noticed that The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook called it a moderately strenuous hike, four miles round trip. I think I agree with that description. It was a little more than I had expected, but the stretches that I would deem moderately strenuous were not that long, just a little steep. Keep in mind that I'm not an avid hiker. Steve's former boss, who is 70, had no problems and set the pace for the hike.

Giant mud puddles and slick slopes were prevalent. I was glad I had on old athletic sandals. I ended up just wading through a couple of the puddles. I just knew that if I tried to balance on the unstable tree branch someone had laid down, I'd end up with more than wet shoes!

You can see the Waipo'o Falls from the first lookout. At the end of the hike, you just see the very top of the first drop. If it hadn't rained recently, I might have been tempted to soak my feet. As it was, I wasn't even considering it.

By the way, there is a $5.00 daily parking fee for Waimea Canyon. It's definitely worth it.

Waipo'o Falls from the first lookout (from Dec 2018)
Another distant viewpoint (Dec 2018)

Steve and me
Canyon viewpoint

Canyon viewpoint
Almost there
About all of that magnificient falls that you see

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