Nov 9, 2019

Iolani Palace

Iolani Palace is the only palace in the United States. Sure, there are other larger, fancier homes, such as Biltmore, but none are truly royal. Iolani was the home of the Hawaiian monarchy. The monarchy was overthrown by United States in 1959, making it the 50th state.

The architecture and woodwork are amazing. The Grand staircase, made of koa wood, is beautifully maintained. The doors all had bronzed, decorated hinges. The floors were polished wood. 

The Grand Staircase

Dining Room

The door hinges

Glass Etchings

The throne room was impressive, although I was more intrigued by the dress designed to look like peacock feathers. 

The king was very well traveled and well-read. He welcomed technology. The palace had electricity four years before the White House did. Telephones were brought in early on as well as things we take for granted like flushing toilets and hot and cold water.

I know I didn’t take the time to read about all the exhibits that Iolani deserves. We were a little concerned about parking. We did the audio tour, which lasts about 45 minutes, but you can go at your own pace.
Ready to tour

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