Dec 21, 2019

Off-roading in the Rain

When we were on Kauai, my cousin Steve signed us all up for a 4x4 UTV Ultimate Ranch Tour on Kipu Ranch. He and his wife, Junelle, are avid off-road fans. You can read about our last adventure off-roading with them here.

On our way there, it started to rain. We thought it would stop rather quickly. We were wrong. It didn't stop raining until about the last hour of our tour. I was so glad I wore my swimsuit. We were covered in mud. At one point, it was raining so hard that I could barely see. Despite the cover, rain was running down my glasses, which were picking up a lot of muddy spray as well. At least we didn't get dusty!

I have to admit that Harold and I would probably have never done the off-road tour on our own. They're expensive and we'd have probably selected another activity. So, we're really glad that Steve took the initiative on this one. We had a blast!

Harold takes the wheel

What can you do?

This rain!


The gang

Slip 'n Slide

Sacred Caves

Mt. Haupu view

Descending Mt. Haupu

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