Feb 29, 2020

Grrr...Frustrations, Frustrations

Harold wanted to show the coach to his coworkers. He wanted them to see what it is we'll be living in and to have a better understanding of our new home, that it's the size of a small apartment, not your typical camper.

Anyway, he decided that we'd park the coach at a local park near the base where he works. Coworkers that wanted to look at the coach could stop by after the meeting. My job was to stay at the coach. We both would feel better if someone were around it. Plus, I wanted to take a look at some of the cabinet space again. Perhaps I'd get some more storage ideas.

Harold left for his meeting, leaving me to finish setting up. Well, the first thing that happened was that the driver's side forward slide wouldn't open. No matter how many times I pressed that switch, the slide would not open. Frustrated, I gave up.

Then, I noticed that the generator had not automatically started so that the heat pump could run. It was cold in the coach. It was almost warmer outside. Harold said that he had had everything set so I didn't want to mess with it too much. I took a quick look at the panel, all the while remembering what folks on the forums had said about our outdated energy management system.

So now I'm completely frustrated. We definitely should have tested things out first.The coach had been sitting for a couple months. In fact, it was still winterized. I decided a long walk was in order.

I get back to the coach, determined to make it work. This coach is going to be my home, and I will have to deal with situations like this. We had a small ceramic disc heater in there somewhere. I found it and plugged it in. Yeah! I have heat.

Within minutes, the heater trips the inverter off. The electric demand is too much. So, I decided to manually start the generator. The generator starts up immediately. Very shortly thereafter, I hear the heat pumps kick in. Yeah! The temperature sensors were really working. Between the heat pumps and the space heater, the coach was warming up nicely.

I decided to hit the switch for the slide out one more time. It worked! Yeah! At least when we give the tours we won't have to be embarrassed that the slide isn't working.

Then, when Harold got back to the coach, he hit the auto generator switch. It worked. Apparently, it hadn't been turned on after all.

So, the things that were making me upset, really turned out to be not so disastrous after all. Harold took it all in stride, including the multiple phone calls to his work, and made sure the rest of my day was smooth as possible.

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