Feb 1, 2020


We had decided early on not to store items in a storage unit or to impose on family and friends. Well, at least not impose too terribly much on family and friends.

Almost every post, blog, or conversation with full-timers strongly urges you not to store things. Some things would not take to storage kindly. Some things wouldn't fit your new home whenever and wherever that may be. Some things would cause you to worry either about their condition or their safety due to natural conditions or theft or vandalism. We agree with that line of thought, but sometimes it's tough.

When I say something about getting rid of stuff, I get comments like, "You can't get rid of that. You need to keep..." Ugh. Now I'm second guessing decisions or perhaps even feeling a little guilt. Will I wish I had kept that? Maybe. Yet, if I kept all the things that people think I should keep, I'd still have a house full of stuff.

Most of the family heirlooms have been passed along to the respective families. Friends have made out with lots of hobby stuff, tools, appliances, etc. Most the furniture has been claimed. We've made numerous trips to Goodwill. We're getting there.

Baby gifts

Old photos

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