Apr 4, 2020

Inspections, Contractors, Appraisers and What Ifs

The buyer's inspection was this past Sunday. They took a couple of hours going through the house while we were gone. It was the perfect time to make another dump run, drop off some kite stuff, take a walk in the park, and eat a take-out dessert from Paradise Diner. May have to order a meal from them before we leave, good food and hey, they gave us a buy two, get one free deal on the desserts. What's not to like about that? Ok, calories, maybe. I did notice that we were the only two sitting down and eating at the park, while all around us folks were walking the trails, skateboarding, and even playing team basketball.

We found out the hard way that we have a radon problem. So, we're working with contractors to get that corrected. The guy our realtor recommended stopped by, but didn't think he could meet our deadline. He had two guys quit on him because of coronavirus concerns. One might work only if the house was unoccupied. Queue another round of what if questions here. Our realtor found another guy and he plans to be here next week to fix that. Yeah!

We've got some other stuff to take care of as well, mainly caulking issues and one door that needs to be replaced. Sigh...Harold will tell you that I was upset about all this. As he said, they called my baby ugly.

Then, the stay-at-home order was extended, way extended, in Virginia. So, now we're scrambling to come up with options for parking our new home. I told Harold that we're going to take our settlement statement with us to show that we no longer own the home in the event that we get pulled over.

We've got a couple of weeks though. Who really knows how this is going to pan out. As our niece said, we will be cheerfully flexible. I told her that she's definitely not a Type A person. : )

I'll leave you with a picture of our shrubs that are too close to the house and need trimming. I think the deer are taking care of the trimming for us.

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