Aug 22, 2020

Sisters, Sisters

My sister Kathy lives in Colorado Springs with her family. While we were visiting, my dad and stepmom drove out from Virginia and brought along my brother's two daughters. Dad was fulfilling a promise made to my mom years ago that they'd bring the girls out to visit their Colorado cousins. 

We joined in for some of the activities, though we did skip some things like the ninja warrior course that the kids enjoyed. We had an afternoon of souvenir shopping and treats in Old Colorado City.  When another day of shopping was scheduled, my nephew considered staying home, saying that it wasn't worth the ice cream! I imagine that sentiment could be echoed by lots of men.

Even with treats, it was questionable if shopping was worth it.

We visited the Cheyenne Mountain Zoo, which was quite busy. It must be really crowded when there are not any Covid19 restrictions. Built on the mountainside, it's a workout just walking around. 
Nieces and nephew at Cheyenne Mtn Zoo - great views!

We went to the Flying W Ranch for a western supper and western singing wranglers. I was really impressed with their outspoken faith and their rebuilding efforts. This is the first year that the Flying W has been able to reopen since 2012, the year of the Waldo Canyon Fire. 
Chow time!

Panorama fun at Flying W

Fixing the sewing machine so she can make an extra large mask

Kathy and Blaine riding the trails

Wrapping up the visit with mini-golf outing


Harold's sister Annette drove down from the Denver area twice. The first visit was a relaxing day with a little shopping and lots of food. On her second visit, Harold sharpened his grilling skills with some awesome grilled vegetables. We were grateful to get some time with her. Despite Covid19, she's been a busy Frontier Airlines flight attendant. 

Brother and sister!

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