Jan 6, 2021

Full-time RV Living Expectation vs Reality

Recently a friend asked me in what ways was living full-time in a RV different from what we had expected. It was a good question, and one requiring some thought.

For one, it's a bit more stressful than I expected. First, though we're getting more used to driving a big bus, travel days are tough. We are 45' long. With our tow vehicle behind, we're pushing 70' long. Construction, accidents, inconsiderate drivers, tight corners all add up to make travel days stressful.

Don't sneeze!

Another reason for stress is finding a campsite. Most campgrounds have limited campsites that can accommodate us. Add to that all the folks buying campers this year as a way to isolate and still get away, campsites can be tough to find sometimes. It's been a bit challenging to find the balance between reserving a spot ahead of time and still allowing flexibility in our travel plans. 

Had to change our plans in order to get into this campground

Things breaking and needing repair also add some stress. A water check valve starts to drip. A slide out won't retract.  A jacks down alarm screams at you after hitting a rough spot in the road. These things happen, and they can shoot your blood pressure sky high. Thankfully Harold is mechanically inclined. 

For Harold, the expectation of living in shorts the entire year as been found to be thoroughly inaccurate. We were in Montana in September, Utah in October and November, and New Mexico in November and December.  Often nights would get below freezing, including one memorable 1°F morning. We were quite glad for sweats, jackets, gloves, and hats. 

On the flip side, actually living in the RV has been better than we thought. We really do have plenty of room and personal space. It feels like a house. We don't feel cramped unless we've had to retract the slide outs for weather or overnighting in a parking lot. 

This has been a year of great blessings. We've seen a lot of places. More importantly, we have been able to spend extended time with family and friends that we would not have otherwise. With our own place we'd like to think that we haven't been too much of a burden on their households.





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