Apr 16, 2021

Grand, Gloomy, and Peculiar

We left Nashville and headed a couple of hours north. Our goal was Mammoth Cave National Park. We stayed at Camp Carlson, the famcamp at Ft. Knox. Most campgrounds in the area weren't open yet. While we did see the building for the gold reserve, there are no tours, no photos allowed, and absolutely no free samples. We liked the campground, but hated the lack of cell phone reception. As the lady said when we checked in, "You're camping here!"

We had booked our tour for Mammoth Cave online. Tours were limited because of covid and reservations were highly recommended. I had checked a couple of weeks prior and was able to get us booked on the Broadway Tour.

The tour lasted around two hours. The caverns were indeed huge. Harold assures me that Carlsbad is even bigger. However, I was used to caverns that were more like passages that would open into larger rooms. I was also used to "wet" caverns full of stalactites and stalagmites. Mammoth was nothing like that. In a way, other than the size, I didn't find it as visually interesting as others, with the exception of the Star Chamber, of which we didn't get a photo. 

"Grand, gloomy, and peculiar" is how Stephen Bishop, an early guide described the cave. It's certainly an attention getting description. As for us, it was our first national park of 2021. Yeah!

Trust Harold to find a railroad

Our only quasi decent photo

One of 14 entrances

Where Are We Going Next?

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