Apr 23, 2021

Working the RV Show - Well, Sort Of...

Harold was getting ready to go on a ship ride. With covid quarantining and restrictions, he was going to be gone about a month. I wanted to be sure I was near someone who could help me out if the need arose.  We left our campground at Ft. Knox and continued north to Nappanee, Indiana. My cousin, Steve, and his wife, Junelle, have an RV dealership there. We turn to them whenever we need service and advice. 

Showalter RV was scheduled to be one of the dealers at a local RV show the first weekend we were there. We offered our help. I thought it might be kind of fun to see an RV show from a different perspective. Our help consisted primarily of making sure they had food in the break area and any last minute errands that might arise. We helped distribute a few brochures and directed a few people to the RVs that they wanted to see. We'd point a sales person their way if they had further questions.

Wow, are the hours long. We weren't there as long as the others were, but our feet hurt, our back ached, and I was quite thankful for ibuprofen. 

The people are interesting. Some don't want to talk to a sales representative at all. Yet, they'll come to the table and pick up brochure after brochure. Others are "just looking." Hmm...I've used that phrase myself. 

Then there's the excitement of the folks purchasing a camper. My favorite was the lady who made sure she was there at the opening of the last day to purchase the camper their family had looked at the day before. Her barely contained excitement made us all smile. That's what makes your day. 

Showalter RV sold over 30 units at the show compared to 13 last year. There's definitely demand out there. Wow!

The horse auction next door drew a lot of people

Mezzanine level view


A great show and multiple future orders

Where Are We Going Next?

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