Aug 20, 2021

Boats and Big Ole

While Harold was off at Pacifie Missile Range Facility (PMRF), I was back in Garfield, MN. We had a couple of warranty issues that we wanted to take care of while we were somewhat near our dealer, Steinbring. It just made sense to try to get them done while Harold was working. Plus, I just wasn't convinced that Kauai would be that much fun with any remaining covid restrictions, worker shortages, etc.  Harold will likely be out there again in a few months, and I will probably go then.

Just down the road from Garfield, is Alexandria. Known by locals as Alec, Alexandria is home to Big Ole. Created to accompany the Kensington Runestone to the 1965 World's Fair, Big Ole (o-lee), is now in a downtown park. While not a Muffler Man, he definitely qualified for a photo before Harold left for PMRF.

Big Ole

I attended my first boat show. Legacy of the Lakes Museum sponsored a classic boat show. There were a number of beautiful, wooden boats obviously well cared for by their owners. Picking a favorite was tough. I jumped at the opportunity for a free ride on Stella, a 1907 wooden craft owned by the museum. 

Patriotic hand-tooled leather


Complete with matching RC-boat 

Kids' craft 

There were even more boats at the museum itself, along with a bit of Minnesota ice fishing history and the story of the bikini. 

Dodge Boat

Notable auto influence


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