Aug 17, 2021

LOEE or Murphy? Elizabeth's First Diesel Fueling

Years ago a friend (Mark L) talked about the League of (fill in the blank with your name)'s Enemies. League members routinely turn traffic lights red just as you approach, cause you to arrive at a store just minutes after they close, sell out of your favorite ice cream flavor just before you order, etc. You get the idea and can probably name a few instances where the league is active in your own life.

Well, I'm not sure if it was LOEE or Murphy's Law, but my first attempt at fueling our coach was far more involved than I ever expected it to be.

First, as I approached the truck stop, the DPF Regen Active light came on the dashboard. This is a normal process, but the timing is aggravating. According to the fantastic folks at Allstate Peterbilt in Alexandria, MN, who solved our steering alignment issue, you should not turn the engine off while this process is occurring.  So, down the interstate I go, driving a couple of exits until that LOEE of a light goes off.

Back at the truck stop, I notice that a couple of the fuel lanes are blocked because they're working on them. I line up behind an rv transporter, figuring his fuel tank won't take as long to fill as a semi. He moves on, and I pull up to the pump.

Ok, so where is the little fuel pump button to open the fuel cover. I search frantically. I noticed that Harold has just texted me. Good, he's up. He's in Hawaii for work travel. So I call and ask him about the little fuel button. Turns out there isn't one. Oh...

Out at the pump, I insert our TSD Logistics fuel card. The pump displays Message 727. What is that? I call Harold again. He doesn't know. Figuring I've somehow screwed this up already, I cancel the sale and start again. Repeat the process and the same message along with see the cashier. Fine. I start the process over with a regular credit card. Hmm...same message. Another call or two to Harold. Now, I'm getting frustrated. Why is this so hard?

I notice that the truck in the lane next to me has backed out and moved over a lane. He looks like a nice, farmer type guy. I ask if he had had trouble at that pump. He had, even after seeing the cashier. I'm not sure what work they're doing on the pumps a couple of lanes over, but I've had enough. I return the hose to the pump and start to open the door to drive. The nice trucker, on his way to the cashier for a second time, reminds me to replace my fuel cap. 😵

I had scoped out a fuel station a couple of exits north while on a bike ride. I pull in the station and pull out the credit card. No discount, but probably a better price than the truck stop, discount notwithstanding. I won't be able to fuel on both sides, but I wasn't going to tackle that on my first attempt at fueling anyway.

Insert the card and I'm asked to select between trucker and reefer. What? I've only ever heard reefer in association with marijuana. Yet another call to my wonderful husband who tells me to select trucker. Turns out reefer has to do with fuel for refrigerated trailers and taxes, similar to off-road diesel and regular diesel.

Then I look at the nozzles. Thankfully, Harold is still on the line. My choices are #1 diesel, dyed diesel, and #2 diesel. We are #2 diesel. Finally, I am ready to start fueling.  Harold tells me to relax and have fun, take a selfie. He's right. 

Harold warned me that the pump probably has a preset dollar limit. Yep, sure enough. I have to run the pump for a second time. I stopped after that. I figured the way LOEE and Murphy were going, I'd end up with overflowing diesel. 

Thankfully, oh so thankfully, I shouldn't have to fuel again before Harold gets back. I love my husband. My brother who's been trucking pretty much all his life, serves as a backup only he doesn't know that yet. 😁

 Where Are We Going Next?


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