Nov 6, 2021

Hatch Chile Festival

Harold was off work for the Labor Day weekend. So, we thought we'd head north to Hatch for the Hatch Chile Festival. We drove up Route 185, passing through several pecan orchards. 

It started raining just as we arrived in Hatch. Thankfully, it didn't rain the whole time we were there, but you had to watch your step to avoid mud and puddles. We smelled green chiles being roasted. We browsed through the small vendor area. However, other than some folk dancing, we realized that most of what we were seeing could be seen on another day - without the crowds. We decided we'd visit another day to try "world famous" Sparky's burgers.

Pecan groves


Traditional way to dry chiles

Just a few chiles

Chiles, onions, and garlic

Roasting chiles

Red or green?

Looks like a fun place to eat

Roadside America mecca?

Love the swirling dresses

Where Are We Going Next?

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