Nov 27, 2021

Little Green Men

Roswell, New Mexico, has had a place in alien lore since 1947 when, according to the Army, a weather balloon crashed at a nearby ranch. Locals say it was an unidentified flying object and that they saw corpses of life forms not of this earth. To tell the story is the Roswell UFO Museum

We took the hour drive up to Roswell from our campground in Carlsbad. The city definitely knows how to play up the alien angle. Not only is there an annual UFO Festival, I think there was a green alien chainsaw carving at just about every business, even the streetlight globes were alien heads. The Roswell McDonald's is the only McDonald's with a flying saucer facade. We missed the night view, but you can find pictures of it on the Internet. 

Movie prop display in the museum

Outside a souvenir shop

I'm lovin' it

Check out the street lamp

Where Are We Going Next?

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