Jul 27, 2022

Reading on the Road

I love to read, especially fiction. I enjoy getting caught up in a suspenseful mystery or thriller.  For those times I'm in the mood for a lighter read, I almost always turn to P. G. Wodehouse. According to Christopher Buckley, author of Little Green Men, "It is impossible to be unhappy while reading the Adventures of Jeeves and Wooster. And I've tried."

A repeat stay at the campground with the real library (and yes, that was a consideration when I booked it) reminded me that I hadn't published this post yet. 

Storage is at a premium in our rig. I'm not a big fan of electronic books either. So, I have to limit myself to a cabinet. If the cabinet is full, that's it. Well, maybe just a little more space. For the most part though, if a new book is coming in, one has to go out. 

Finding books on the road really isn't that hard. Little Free Libraries can be found in just about every town. Often campgrounds have a book exchange. One campground had an entire storage shed devoted to its library.  My favorite campground library had a real library, complete with ladder to reach the top shelves! Apparently, the private home had been converted to a campground clubhouse when the owner sold the property. 

If all else fails, I will occasionally buy books. My first stop is a public library as most public libraries have a selection of books for sale. If there aren't any libraries nearby, there's always a Walmart.

Little Free Library - Great use of a tree stump

Lots of books in this phone booth

Typical of a campground

Best campground library - complete with ladder


Hmm, where am I going to put these? 

Where Are We Going Next?

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