Jul 30, 2022

Riding the Dunes

With our pending warranty appointment at the mothership the day after Memorial Day, we decided to spend the week prior at the dunes by Silver Lake in Mears, MI. As old fogies, we rather enjoyed the dunes a couple of days prior to the long weekend when there was hardly anyone there. By the weekend, it's an anything goes atmosphere. 

My cousin Steve, his family, and a number of his friends descend on the dunes with their myriad of quads, dirt bikes, razors, and jeeps. From campfire smoked bacon to ice cream evenings, it's a weekend of smiles and maybe a few aches and pains. 

This year was Steve's youngest daughter's first year as a driver on the dunes. We followed her around a little while Mom and Dad ran a few errands. Whew! I was more nervous than she was. Hard to tell whose smile was bigger though, the daughter's or the mom's when the parents arrived. You go girl!


All alone

Gearing up for Test Hill

Getting ready to "send it"

Yep, we're still here

From Sunset Hill

Dune day camp

Big wind day

Where Are We Going Next?


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