Sep 14, 2022

Jewel Cave National Monument

This is our third time to the Black Hills area. This time we went to visit Jewel Cave National Monument. Jewel Cave is the third longest cave in the world. Wind Cave, just down the road, is the sixth longest. I wonder if continued exploration will show a connection some day. Mammoth is the longest in case you're wondering. Of course, just about every cave tour on which we've been, the tour guide says that the cave is not fully explored. 

Unlike Wind Cave, Jewel Cave is a mix of dry and wet. It's the wet portion that provides the stalactites and stalagmites with which most people associate with caves. I think it also adds more color as minerals are deposited. 

We signed up for the scenic tour. The Wild Caving Tour requires one to fit through an 8.5" x 24" crawl space. That's not us. No refunds if you sign up and then don't fit through the test block either. Regardless of the tour, you must wear enclosed shoes. Those athletic sandals will not pass muster. Ask us how we know.

The tour has a lot of steps, 734 according to the national park service. There were a lot of ups and downs to see the different areas. We did enjoy the tour and the 49° temperature in the cave. 

There are so many things to see in the Black Hills area. It's nice to have a month to do things at a leisurely pace.  We were glad to add yet another new experience.

Lots of color


Soda Straw



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