Sep 28, 2022

Virginia to South Dakota - Friends and Family

We've been blessed to see friends from Virginia this year. While Jeff is officially from South Dakota now, we'll count it as Virginia for this blog. Last year our stays in South Dakota only overlapped by a day. So we were happy to share a few meals and side trips this year. 

Flag Guest

Next up, we saw the Ulfer family. This is the second time we've gotten to meet up with them thanks to their Facebook posts. I'd see a post and send a message asking where their next stop would be. If they were coming close, we'd try to meet up. 

Custer State Park

Facebook brought another encounter this year. I happened to post a photo indicating Badlands National Park. Immediately I heard from friends and family. The youth group from the church in which I grew up would be passing through the area on their way to the national youth conference. We were delighted to catch up with two of our nieces and a cousin as the group visited Mt. Rushmore.  Bonus!


We make an effort to join in with our new home too. We fly our banners at the base picnic. We attend the chapel on base. We shop at the commissary and exchange. We say hello to fellow campers we met in prior years. It may be a long way from Virginia, but we are making it work.

Banner day at Ellsworth

Maybe someday we'll be considered as really from SD

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