Dec 24, 2022

Beauty of Christmas

I confess that I occasionally miss having a real house. That sentiment is especially true going into fall and Christmas. I'll see some wall art or décor and wish I had a place for it. I usually spend a little time admiring the item in the store and move on. My practical side reminds me of the lack of storage and the over abundance of similar items in a thrift store, where anything I purchase along decorating lines will end up in a very short period of time. 

Granted, décor pales in comparison to the beauty of the mountains, the seas, the prairies, and plains. Still, we admire art and all kinds of things. Why?

Just a little decoration

Years ago I saw Jim Croegaert at a church concert. The title of one of his songs, "Why Do We Hunger for Beauty" has been a subtle reminder through the years of our God-given longing to see beauty around us and to be at peace within ourselves. God has provided the way for us to experience peace and beauty through His Son. This is what we celebrate at Christmas. We wish you a peaceful and beautiful Christmas. 

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