Dec 10, 2022

Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel

We were on our way to Ocean City, MD, for the American Kitefliers Association's national convention. After leaving the Hoots Rally in Tennessee, we spent about a week in Virginia, splitting the time between Natural Bridge and JEB Little Creek.  We were quite glad to be able to spend time with my sister Karen and her family and with Charlie and Joan, kite flying friends. 

Our stay at JEB Little Creek positioned us for our Chesapeake Bay Bridge Tunnel (CBBT) crossing to the Eastern Shore. Despite the $34.00 cost and the tight tunnels, we still preferred that route over the Washington, DC, beltway and Route 50 way to Ocean City.  You can zoom on the last photo for some factoids about CBBT. 

Charlie and Joan

Aim for the dark hole in the center...

A little tight

13' 6" height restriction...we had a little over a foot in clearance

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