Apr 1, 2023

Barges and Trains

We really like Corp of Engineers (COE) campgrounds. Foscue Creek on the Black Warrior/Tombigbee waterway quickly became one of our favorites. We were blessed to snag a riverfront campsite that had us peering out the windows at all hours. As an added bonus, there's a train track at the front of the campground. Harold got to hear the train whistles and even watch a couple of freight trains go past.

One of many

Yacht in the fog

Short Line Train

Still a kid at heart

Passing zone

On the trail

Not quite Sandy, UT

You know those memes with trailers jacked way up on cinderblocks? We found them! They were a bit scary looking. 
No worries about flooding


Enjoying the evening

Just a bird floating along

Watching the barges and water birds and hearing the trains was pretty much our excitement for the week. There's not much else around Demopolis. We were grateful that they had a Walmart! 

Reality TV - Foscue Creek Style

Jim Bird's Bale Art did provide a couple of photo opportunities though. Guess that's one way to have a little fun. 

Are we in Oz?

Fly away

Big field, big art

Where Are We Going Next?

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