May 17, 2023

Closed Canyon

We arrived in Terlinqua, TX, in the early afternoon. We decided that we had enough time to drive TX 170, Camino Del Rio, into Big Bend Ranch State Park and hike the Closed Canyon Trail. 

TX 170 between Lajitas and Presidio is considered among the top 10 scenic drives in the USA. I'm not sure who makes that determination, but we'll just go with it. Motorcyclists would definitely enjoy it. The road follows along the Rio Grande, twisting and turning, going up, down, and around. As tempting as it was to stop more frequently than we did, we wanted to be sure to get in our hike.

We heard about the Closed Canyon trail from staff at the Sailwinds Marina. Around 1.4 mile round trip, Closed Canyon hike is a slot canyon trail that literally ends with a sign saying end of trail. While the Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon Trail in Utah is still our favorite, this one was a relatively easy trail. It was perfect for a little exercise on a travel day and a good excuse for pizza afterwards!

Start of the slot

Loving the shade

End of the trail

There is a trail there

A little sunshine

Hoodoos and the Rio Grande

The Big Hill (15% grade)


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