May 24, 2023

Crossing the Rio Grande

From Big Bend National Park you can visit Boquillos, Mexico as long as you have your valid passport. There is a legal pedestrian crossing at the Rio Grande. You can wade across the river, or you can be rowed across the river. Given that the water was waist deep for me, we paid the $5 round trip for the rowboat ride. 

We then walked the half mile or so to the village of Boquillos, accompanied by our guide. You pretty much are assigned a guide for the day before you even know it. You can ride a burro or horse if you want to pay the extra money. The whole village survives on tourism. I think every child in the village from toddler to around age 12 was selling $5 friendship bracelets. Quite frankly, it got a bit old rather quickly.

We had an enjoyable lunch and perused the vendor stalls that lined the main street. Just about every household had a stand. Buy a souvenir. Buy a souvenir.

With everything being online these days, we didn't even get a stamp in our passport book upon our return. They scanned the passports and connected us to a customs officer in El Paso. No lines when we were there. However, we gathered that the upcoming spring break would be a totally different story.

We can say we went to Mexico for lunch.

Crossing the river

The burros

Lunch time

Street view

A horse walked into a bar...

View from the other restaurant (only two in town)

Waiting for business

Heading home

In bloom

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