Aug 19, 2023

Along the Pioneer Trails

Nebraska is not as flat as you might think, at least the panhandle area isn't. Rolling hills and bluffs are plentiful. It was this area that first alerted the earlier pioneers that they were nearing the Rockies. Chimney Rock National Historic Site and Scotts Bluff National Monument tell the stories of the Oregon, California, and Mormon Trails as well as the Pony Express Route. All crossed through the area, following the North Platte River. 

The challenges those pioneers faced were tremendous. In the museum at Chimney Rock, we tried our hand at an interactive exhibit where you load a wagon with needed supplies without overloading it. Ha! Even with our RV downsizing experience, we didn't fare well with the wagon loading. 

At Scotts Bluff, the covered wagon display along the trail reminded me of how small and frail the pioneers were in the vast expanse of the west. Yet onward they went, persevering and determined. 

Saddle Rock Trail to top of Scotts Bluff

Hand hewn tunnel on Saddle Rock Trail

Scotts Bluff View

Blue arrow points to the covered wagon

All three vehicle tunnels in NE are on the road to the top of Scotts Bluff

Remember the blue arrow from the above photo

Chimney Rock

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