Aug 12, 2023

Sister Visits Continue

We left the Colorado Springs area and headed just an hour or so north to Aurora, CO. Harold's sister, Annette, lives there. We were able to get into Buckley Space Force famcamp. To my surprise, it was quieter than expected in regards to city noise. However, the famcamp was next to the runway and if the jets weren't flying, the helicopters were. Buckley is home to the Colorado National Guard as well. So there's a decent chance that they were the ones practicing. 

We didn't do a lot of touring, unless you count trying to find a muffler man and visiting a "ghettofabulous" surplus bin store called Black Fridays. Annette wasn't kidding when she said we might want to wear gloves for rooting through those bins. We did actually find a few things though.

Updated: Some of our bin finds

As I say we didn't do much, we did get around some. We visited Wings Over the Rockies Air and Space Museum. Harold and Annette's dad was involved with the Apollo program as an engineer, so we never miss an opportunity to visit an air and space museum. We got a kick out of the Star Wars fighter and pod racer. Annette posed with some Frontier Airlines model planes. She is one of their flight attendants. 

Frontier smiles

We also drove through the eleven mile loop road in the  Rocky Mountain Arsenal National Wildlife Refuge. It is one of few areas where you can get a relatively unobstructed view of the front range. If you're lucky, you may even get a few bison in the foreground. 

Annette is also an artist. The walls in her home are filled with her art. She gifted us with some coasters she made. I had fun picking out the colors I wanted. 

The left one reminds me of earth viewed from space

No visit to the Denver area is complete without a stop at Johnson's Corner. We're stopping on the way in or out. Harold has fond memories of stopping there on family trips. If the kids were good, they'd get cinnamon rolls. I still haven't figured out how Harold managed to behave, but the cinnamon rolls are legendary. The rolls are gigantic and covered with glaze. I watched our server scoop out an ice cream scoop full of glaze to drizzle over the warm roll. Granted, most of the glaze ends up on the bottom of your plate and mostly uneaten, but it's a sight to be sure.

Harold was a good boy

Where Are We Going Next?


  1. Okay, first off... we need pictures of the stuff you found digging through the bins! And secondly, Harold, I thought of you this weekend when we were in Strasburg, PA. We took the Airstream out for our first camping trip to a campground in Quarryville. But Strasburg must have been some serious railroad hub back in the day. Everything there seemed to be train themed. And we had brunch at the Casey Jones Restaurant in a renovated (sort of) dining car. Fun times!

    1. Glad you had a great time. We've updated the blog entry to include a photo of some of our finds and the store name.
