Sep 30, 2023

Raining on Our Parade

 ...but so what?  While much of the nation was in a heat dome and in triple digits on Independence Day, Belle Fourche, SD, was at 59°F with a forecast for rain. The weather didn't stop the Independence Day parade participants and spectators from having fun. Let the water battles begin!

We had so much fun at the parade last year, then chatting with the BFHS class of '82 afterwards, that we made it a point to return this year. We think it's great that the BFHS graduating classes have parade floats. We love watching the water battles. "Don't fire until you see the whites of their eyes!" The industrial size garbage can of full of water would only go so far. We even managed to get our share of candy, though this year most of it went straight to the trash since the wrappers were rain soaked. 

The brief video below is the float for the Class of 2013. Watch the sound levels. Somebody is laughing rather loudly. 😳

After a quick trip back to the campground for some lunch and a change to dry clothes, we returned for the Black Hills Roundup. Our front row seats granted us great views and put us in the splash zone. Our raingear and ponchos came in handy as the mud came flying. 

We love spending Independence Day in Belle Fourche. We will return. 

Ammo ready

Might need the pontruck later

Transferring Off

Could be a laundry detergent commercial

Muddy good time

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