Jun 22, 2024

Northern California

April 9-10, 2024

We took advantage of some nice spring weather while in Redding. Sunday afternoon we headed over to the Sundial Bridge. It's a pedestrian bridge leading to the Turtle Bay Park. We walked along the paths and enjoyed some of the outdoor art. 

The next day, we ventured to Shasta Dam. Shasta Dam is the second largest dam in the United States. Grand Coulee is the largest as determined by volume of concrete used to build the dam. 

Viewing the eclipse

The three Shastas - Shasta Dam, Shasta Lake, Mt. Shasta

As we left Redding, we stopped at Dunsmuir at the Railway Park Resort. We enjoyed dining in a refurbished railway car. Overnight lodging options include railcars and cabooses. What fun for rail fans. 
Railway Park Willamette Shay

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