Jan 25, 2020

The Last Christmas

We wanted to spend this past Christmas at our home. It was the last one we'd spend at the house. We visited immediate family about a week later when we joined them for a larger reunion with aunts, uncles, and cousins. Plus, we had just taken a quick weekend with family at Opryland.

We reminisced as we hung ornaments on the tree. Some were given to us by family. Some were ones we bought on different vacations. A fair number of them had kites on them. Some were bought simply because we liked them. More than once I caught myself just looking at the tree and thinking about family or vacations.

It was a bit rough when it was time to take down the tree. I kept wondering if so and so would like this ornament or that ornament. I wanted someone to enjoy what we enjoyed. In the end though, most of the decor and ornaments went to the local charity. I hope the next owners enjoy them as much as we did.

It is being with family and friends, not ornaments on a tree, that warms our heart at Christmas.

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