Jan 27, 2020


With recent reminders of death all around, I have been burdened. A recent sermon invited us to find one person with whom to share the Gospel, just one. I sat there wondering why I don’t share. There are all kinds of tools to help us. Surely, my friends and family would at least hear me out.

I don’t like conflict. I don’t want to risk our relationship. I want you to like me, to think well of me. I don’t want you to scoff at my beliefs. I have seen relationships strained. Maybe some have been driven further from Jesus instead of closer. So, I let that fear of conflict keep me silent.

I know I often feel inadequate. I can’t answer some of your deep and probing questions. Sometimes I doubt my own heart. In those times, I cling to my faith. I remember one pastor saying, it’s not a crutch, it’s a stretcher, life support even, that carries me. Sometimes I feel like I’m still drinking from a baby bottle when I should be eating meat (Hebrews 5:12-14). That’s to my shame. I encourage you to pick up that Bible. Read for yourself. Attend church. Seek out Christians to answer some of those questions. I happen to know a few and will gladly put you in touch with them.  : )

The Bible tells us that if the watchman sees danger coming and fails to warn the people of impending danger, the watchman is held accountable. You can read for yourself in Ezekiel 3:16‑27 and Ezekiel 33:1‑11. So, at the risk of straining our relationship, offending you, please know that the Lord God Above loves you and does not want you to perish. I don’t want you to perish. I want to see you in heaven.

There’s a reason John 3:16 is an oft-quoted favorite. It’s direct. It’s simple.

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.”

Believe today. None of us may have a tomorrow.

If you’re already a Christian, stand strong in your faith. Keep the watch, especially for your family and friends.

With a burdened and prayerful heart, Elizabeth

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