May 23, 2020

Mt. Rushmore - Southern Black Hills

When we checked in at Heartland RV Park in Hermosa, South Dakota, one of the ladies manning the counter suggested that we take the Mt. Rushmore and Custer State Park road trip, which includes a the wildlife loop. It's around 67 miles, but takes the better part of a day. 

We thought there was a surprising number of people on the loop considering just about everything was closed due to Covid-19, and it was in the 40's with a howling wind.  It would take a full day during peak summer  hours with lots of one-lane tunnels, scenic pullouts, and 15 - 25 mph zones. Iron Mountain Road is deserving of a blog entry in and of itself. Of course, we could probably say that about a lot of things. We're kind of glad that it wasn't peak summer hours. 

The visitor center is still closed, as are the concessions. In addition to the usual Covid-19 concerns, there's a work shortage because of Covid-19. Many of the summer staff are overseas students who haven't been able to get into the USA.  

Black Hills

Cathedral Spires

First glimpse of Mt. Rushmore

We made it

Mt. Rushmore - same view area, one foggy morning later

Closer view

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