Jan 8, 2022

Soulé in Meridian

As we were approaching Meridian, MS, I called my cousin Russ. Russ and his family live about an hour away from our Twiltley Branch COE Campground. They were going out of town for the weekend, but suggested the Soulé Steam Festival. Well, Russ knows Harold. 

The festival is held the first weekend in November at the Mississippi Industrial Heritage Museum. The museum is the site of the Soulé Steam Feed Works. Soulé (pronounced Soo Lay) is America's last intact steam engine factory. The belt driven machine shop was in operation for the festival.

In conjunction with the Smithsonian, the Work Exhibit offers a glimpse of what it was like to work in a factory at the turn of the 20th century.

The Carousel Organ Association of America was having a rally on the grounds as well. Harold is now a certified organ grinder. He has the certificate to prove it! Bonus!

Last one off the line

Corliss Steam Engine

Portable Steam

Belt driven factory floor

Pattern Shop

Steam 'em up

Track fun

Certified Organ Grinder

Inside the grinder

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