Jan 1, 2022

Slot Canyon

One of our fellow campers at the Las Cruces KOA told us about the Slot Canyon Trail between Las Cruces and Hatch. The trail is a relatively easy and short trail, and we were eager to try it after hiking Little Wild Horse Slot Canyon in Utah. 

I was wondering if it was such a good idea though when we encountered a tarantula at the start of the slot section. It was the first tarantula that either of us had seen in the wild. Plus, I had read reviews where about three weeks before we were there, the slot canyon was filled with grasshoppers. Ugh!

Well, we did see a bunch of dead grasshoppers, and I can only imagine how creepy it must have been when they were alive. 

The rocks were totally different from those in Utah. Little Wild Horse was smooth sandstone. This canyon reminded me of aggregate and concrete with rough walls in comparison. Still, who knew that New Mexico had slot canyons? We did an out and back through the canyon in about an hour, taking our time. 


Top of the slot

Where Are We Going Next?

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