Jan 22, 2022

Yellow, Yellow Everywhere or Nuisance Dust

Harold has been collecting photos for an RV Oopsies post for some time now. We're not sure when we'll publish it, but we will some day. Regrettably, we have to add our own "oopsie" to the list. Not all of the "oopsies" are outdoor ones. 

We had just pulled into Alpha Omega Repair Service  for the evening. The service for our dashboard recall and ongoing dragging brake issue was first thing the next morning. As I went to open the bedroom slide, I noticed something on the floor. It almost looked like a spray can of paint had exploded. Turning on the light, I saw that the floor and environs were coated in yellow powder. What in the world? 

It wasn't a can of paint, it was the contents of our fire extinguisher. Sometime during the day, it had jarred loose from its wall bracket, knocked the pin out, and sprayed the entire closet. Ugh!! Not quite how we planned to spend our evening. 

Wading through the powder to get to the vacuum hoses, we first tried the central vacuum. It soon became clear that that wasn't going to work. A cloud of yellow dust regurgitated into the bathroom. Off to Lowe's for a shop vac and extra hoses. Gradually we emptied everything from the closet, tracking yellow dust throughout the coach. We shook off what we could, threw away some things, and loaded the rest into the car to take to the laundromat. 

We called Kidde, the manufacturer, to see if there was anything safety-wise of which we needed to be concerned. No, the MSDS calls it "nuisance dust." That's a pretty accurate description.

Now to get a replacement fire extinguisher. This time we'll get one with a banded bracket that will hopefully prevent similar occurrences in the future. 

Shop Vac and extra hoses $90.00
N95 Dust masks: $10.00
Coin laundry $54.00 

The little LOEE of a pin that caused the trouble

The first look

Harold making the best of it

Inches of yellow dust

Loads and loads of laundry

Where Are We Going Next?

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