Aug 6, 2022

Studebaker National Museum and Oliver Mansion

Just under an hour from Nappanee is South Bend, home of the Studebaker National Museum. We bought the combination ticket for it and the History Museum, which included a tour of the Oliver Mansion. The History Museum also had an exhibit for women's baseball, including A League of Their own movie memorabilia. 

Studebaker Brothers got their real start with investing money made from selling wheelbarrows to gold rush miners.

Did you know how the term station wagon got started?  It makes sense when  you think about it. 

Whenever I think of Oliver, I associate the name with tractors. It was actually the chilled plow that got them started. Their beautiful home, though not as large as the Studebaker family's home, is something to see. The Studebaker family home is now a restaurant.

A bit of a hodge podge of exhibits, but there you are.

Studebaker wagons

Station wagons - brought luggage and people to/from train stations




1963 Avanti

The last Studebaker


Bullet nose photo opp

Signed by the real players

The Oliver Chilled Plow

Oliver Mansion

Grand Entry
Where Are We Going Next?


  1. Love you guys in the Studebaker :)

    1. Thanks. It's funny. They cut the whole passenger side door out.
