Oct 1, 2022

Metal Sculptures and Petrified Wood

We left Ellsworth AFB  at the end of July. We could see preparation for the Sturgis Rally well under way. The muffler man and metal sculptures at Full Throttle Saloon ended up being our first stop. We hadn't planned the stop, but the sculptures were certainly eye-catching and we had a little extra time.

We spent the next few nights at Shadehill Recreation Area. Our midweek stay was very quiet. By Thursday evening, it was starting to fill for the weekend with folks coming to fish or boat on the reservoir. 

Our second day at Shadehill, we headed to the town of Lemmon. I had read in one of our brochures that it was the home of the world's largest petrified wood park. So we had to see that. We had noted a couple of pieces of petrified wood at Shadehill, not realizing that the area was known for petrified wood. Most of the pieces at the park were found within 25 miles according to the write-up.

Upon coming into town, we noted the metal sculpture of the cowboy riding the triceratops at the Grand River Museum. It turns out John Lopez, the sculptor, is a local.  So we stopped by his studio.  Wow, amazing art, and I'm not much of an art fan. 

Where Are We Going Next?

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